Tsaang Gubat

Tsaang Gubat, also known as the Philippine tea tree, is an erect and very branched shrub growing up to 1 to 4 meters high. It is native to the Philippines and in eastern and south-eastern Asia Countries. In traditional medicine, Tsaang Gubat is used as a tea to promote overall health. Additionally, it is used as a disinfectant during childbirth and as a gargle to prevent tooth decay.
Tsaang Gubat or Philippine tea tree is registered in the Philippines Bureau of Foods and Drugs as a medicine for its proven therapeutic property. Its phytoconstituents include alkaloids, flavonoids, saponins, phenols, tannins, glycosides, terpenoids, and cardenolides. This herb is scientifically proven for its medicinal worth mainly its anti-spasmodic effect. Newer studies showed that it has an anti-allergy component if used together with sambong and lagundi. Microphyllone, a unique dimeric prenylbenzoquinone, was identified anti-allergic compound, is also present. Its other components demonstrated promising results as anti-diabetic and anti-bacterial mechanism.
It is also called Fukien Tea tree, Wild Tea, Forest Tea, Philippine Tea, Chaang Bundok
Scientific name: Ehretia microphylla
Family: Boraginaceae