Toog Tree – Philippine Rosewood

Toog Tree
Toog Tree or Philippine Rosewood in Davao.

Philippine Rosewood, locally known as Toog is a medium-sized to fairly large tree that grows up to 60 meters height and 150cm or more in diameter. The trunk is straight, cylindrical and branchless. Its flowers are in panicles, and have four white petals. Fruit has 4 seeds, in capsule, circular with four papery wings. Toog wood is hard and difficult to cut and said to be strong as akle, ipil and molave. Because of its appearance and high quality, toog is now recognized in the local and world market under the trade name Philippine rosewood. However, it is considered a vanishing timber.

Toog is one of the largest tree species in the Philippines. The currently known tallest Philippine Rosewood is in the Alegria municipality in the northeastern part of Mindanao with 65 meters tall, 360cm in diameters, and estimated to be around 300 years old.

It is also called Kapullan in Visayas region, Magtalisai in the Samar and Leyte areas.

Scientific name: Petersianthus quadrialatus
Family: Lecythidaceae

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