Palawan Bearcat

Palawan Binturong
Photo from wikipedia -PCSD (Palawan Council for Sustainable Development)

The Palawan Binturong, also known as Palawan Bearcat, is medium-sized mammal that can grow about 1.4 meter long. It has coarse, thick black-brown fur, long bushy tail, the ears that are lined with white fur, and long whiskers. The Palawan bearcat has sharp claws and teeth that can easily rip through flesh. But, they are generally submissive when handled by human. It can suspend itself by gripping its strong prehensile tail around branches.

It is solitary and mostly active at night, spending much of its time in trees, where it is an adept climber and jumper. These Bearcats are known for its musky smell, which is used for communication and marking territory. The binturong is often referred to as a “bearcat” due to its appearance and behavior, although it is not related to bears or cats. It is a member of the Viverridae family, which includes civets and genets.

The Palawan binturong inhabits tropical rainforest habitat, as well as agricultural areas and close to human settlements. It is omnivorous, eating a wide range of fruits, insects, small mammals and birds. It is endemic to the island of Palawan in the Philippines.

Scientific Name: Arctictis binturong whitei
Family: Viverridae


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