Kaningag – Cebu Cinnamon Tree

Cebu Cinnamon Tree

Cinnamomum cebuense, the Cebu Cinnamon Tree, Philippine Cinnamon or locally known as Kaningag, is a species of cinnamon endemic to Cebu, Philippines. It was described by A.J.G.H. Kostermans in 1986 having been collected on March 27, 1971 in a mountain forest near Sitio Cantipla, Cebu City in the central part of Cebu Island, by an unknown collector.

It is a medium sized tree, reaching a height of approximately 6 to 8m and 25 to 35cm in diameter with smooth outer bark. The bark of the tree has medicinal properties. It is used by local residents as remedy for stomach ache whereby the bark is either chewed directly or boiled with a glass of water before intake. No other uses have been reported by the local residents, however the leaves of the tree may be a potential source of spice as with other closely related species.

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