Category: Philippine Facts

Rogelio Roxas and The Yamashita Treasure 0

Rogelio Roxas and The Yamashita Treasure

The legend of the Yamashita Treasure has captivated treasure hunters and historians alike for decades. Said to be the spoils of World War II hidden by Japanese General Tomoyuki Yamashita, this treasure has sparked...

makahiya plant 0

Makahiya Plant

Locally known makahiya plant in the Philippines, is a creeping flowering plant that react when touched, blowing or shaken. It is also called shameplant, sensitive plant, humble plant, sleepy plant or touch-me-not. “Makahiya” is...

Palawan Binturong-1 0

Palawan Bearcat – Binturong

The Palawan Binturong, also known as Palawan Bearcat, is medium-sized mammal that can grow about 1.4 meter long. It has coarse, thick black-brown fur, long bushy tail, the ears that are lined with white...

Apatot 0


Morinda citrifolia or locally known as Apatot in the Philippines, is an erect, smooth shrub or small fruit-bearing tree about 3 to 8 meters tall. Leaves are broadly elliptic to oblong, 12 to 25...

Bangkiling Fruit 0


Otaheite gooseberry or locally known Bangkiling in the Philippines, is one of the trees with small edible yellow berries in the family Phyllanthaceae. Despite its name, the plant does not resemble the gooseberry, except...

Mariposa Butterly 0

Atlas moth

Famously known as Mariposa in the Philippines, the Atlas moth, is a large saturniid moth endemic to the forests of Asia. It is one of the largest lepidopterans with a wingspan measuring up to...

Magellan Birdwing 0

Magellan Birdwing

With its wingspan of about 8 inches, the Magellan Birdwing is a majestic species of the birdwing butterfly group found exclusively in the Philippines and Taiwan. This large butterfly showcases nature’s artistry through its...