Bani Tree

Pongamia pinnata, locally known Bani Tree in the Philippines, named after a town in Pangasinan, is a legume tree that grows to about 50–80 feet in height. Its large canopy of branches and leaves spread wide, which makes it the perfect addition to verdant gardens.
Bani trees are often used as a windbreak or as a shade owing to their large canopy and attractive fragrant flowers. These tree’s flowers are small clusters of white, purple, and pink and are often used by gardeners as compost for plants that require rich nutrients. While Bani is known to produce beautifully grained wood, it has been known to split easily when cut, which makes it more suitable to manufacture firewood, posts, and tool handles. Bani trees also produce Pongamia oil which has been used as lamp oil or in soap making or as a lubricant for years.
These trees are native to eastern and tropical Asia, Australia, and the Pacific islands. It is the sole species in genus Pongamia. It is often known by the synonym Millettia pinnata. Its common names include Indian beech and Pongame oiltree.
Scientific name: Pongamia pinnata
Family: Fabaceae